The Wrong People
When I was young I was taken aside and warned against associating with the ‘wrong people’ because “you can tell a man by the company that he keeps.” Being young, and rebellious I believed this to be untrue, but now life has taught me that the way to tell a man is by examining the things he does, says, or allows done in his name. So it befits us to take care in what we do, say and sanction, for from which come consequences. One such consequence is the holocaust that now engulfs us, a holocaust sanctioned and ratified by our silence. With over ten million dead, this generation finds itself embroiled in a great battle fought between those who believe that all men are created equal, and those claiming that their life takes precedence. In consequence, those they judge will become a burden or hindrance to their lifestyle; they execute.
“All through life I travelled ‘wised up’, my lifestyle moulded by the pressure to conform, my utterances echoes of the accepted mantra- a non-person, a shadow on the wall reflecting the movement of another’s hand.”
And so step by bloody step we have moved from ‘women and children first’, to the claim that the slaughter of the innocent, the elderly, and the infirm is a good thing, with few bad side effects. We knew and know that this is untrue, but we need it to be true, for to pretend ignorance is the only defence for our inaction and as such we hide behind euphemisms, ‘reproductive health care’- ‘the right to choose’- all mere camouflage to mask our tacit participation in genocide.
Ignoring the mountain of evidence, we pretend to be deceived, reiterating the rhetoric until it gains repetitive credence; the lie being unopposed, is accepted, embedded and now has become an unassailable truth.

So we see, say, hear, and do nothing. Expediency is our fourth Wise Monkey. A blood soaked monkey clinging to our back, a ravenous monster roaring and devouring all, a monster who’s very existence must not be mentioned less you embarrass polite society.
Finally I have come to realise I was wrong and that you can tell a man by the company he keeps. As such, I am alone, for no-one seeks my company for I acknowledge the monster’s existence and in doing so have become the wrong people.
Now, after all these years I have come to realise that the ‘wrong people’ were right, and so I associate with them, no honest man can do other.