Abortion Act Anniversary Witness Round Up
On 27th October, March for Life UK marked the 57th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act as happens every year, with a Solemn Witness in Parliament Square. Volunteers lined the Square holding signs reflecting this year’s theme, ‘abortion isn’t healthcare’, while pro-life figures from a range of backgrounds shared their thoughts on the sad occasion.
This year, the anniversary came weeks after the conviction of Hampshire based military veteran and father of four, Adam Smith-Connor, for silently praying within a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) zone established around an abortion centre. Adam gave a statement on the day in which he compared what members of his former regiment were doing 80 years ago with his experience of censorship today, describing how on 17th, 18th and 19th of September 1944, paratroops fought to liberate Holland from German occupation as part of Operation Market Garden, while over the same three day period in 2024, Adam was put on trial for what he has called a ‘thoughtcrime’. ‘In 1944,’ he said, ‘we were a pro-life Christian nation, we understood tyranny when we saw it and were willing to pay the price of freedom.’
Alongside Adam, a diverse group of speakers reflected on the anniversary in light of recent events and the upcoming change in British law which will erect a barrier to charitable endeavours in the vicinity of abortion centres nationwide from 31st October. Among the speakers were Dr Dermot Kearney, Clare McCullough of Good Counsel Network, CitizenGo’s Caroline Farrow and Chris Joyce, pastor Regan King of Angel Church and Catholic university chaplain Fr Philip Miller, Lynda Rose of Voice for Justice UK, Christian Concern’s James Ascott, and Lois McClatchie-Miller of ADFUK.

Peter Williams, Director of Family Education Trust, described a change in British culture since the inception of the Abortion Act, from a society in which (according to the most liberal estimate) 100,000 women per year attempted to procure an abortion, to a society in which over 200,000 legal abortions occur each year. To explain this shift, he cited the routine misuse of medical language to justify procedures for which there is no medical justification and the euphemistic language which so often prevents proper consideration of the issue.
Conservative podcaster and writer Fleur Elizabeth Meston also highlighted the concealment of the true nature of the abortion industry through language, saying, ‘Healthcare doesn’t kill, which is as clear as day. … Many women are lied to, that [abortion is] the termination of a pregnancy; it’s the termination of life.’ Fleur described having her eyes opened to the reality of abortion and concluded, ‘It is so horrific, we can’t shy away from it.’
Refusing to shy away from the issue, a number of young faces were among the volunteers. I spoke with one group who enthusiastically told me, ‘We’re here to see the abolition of abortion.’ According to their experience, ‘There is a religious awakening happening in Gen Z. We will continue to see more Gen Z at pro-life events.’
Nick Tenconi, leader of UKIP and campaign group Turning Point UK, also made an appearance, highlighting the aforementioned conviction of Adam Smith-Connor for what he described as ‘the first thoughtcrime in Britain’ and calling for a culture which produces positive outcomes and protects vulnerable women, not one which persecutes those who pray for them. According to Nick, ‘It’s absolutely essential that we address this issue. It’s an attack on Christianity, it’s an attack on the traditional values which Britain is built upon.’
Concluding the afternoon, volunteers gathered around the large ‘ABORTION ISN’T HEALTHCARE’ banner for a group photo and Christian Hacking of CBRUK delivered one final stirring speech. Never one to mince his words, Christian described a brutal abortion industry intent on ‘playing God’ while ‘cloaked in euphemisms’. He quoted the famous Psalm verse, ‘God is merciful, slow to anger, abounding in love,’ (Psalm 103:8) and asked a pressing moral question of the nation after 57 years with the Abortion Act: ‘Will we bow our heads and ask for mercy, or will we continue this bloodshed?’
Theo Wilmot – March for Life UK Communications Officer