An Unexpected Pregnancy
How would you react to an unexpected pregnancy? What about your daughter or granddaughter? What if you were the father of the baby or if it was your son who announced his partner was pregnant? Our new series of blogs will be exploring different people’s reactions to a pregnancy they weren’t expecting. We will be sharing stories from some women who recall how a lack of positive support made them feel pressured into aborting, with devastating consequences. Others explain how a few kind words or offer of help, sometimes at the very last minute, were enough to empower them to keep their baby.
Hearing these testimonies is vital in helping to change the culture in our country. Abortion is certainly not a quick fix solution and can have huge repercussions for those involved no matter what their reasons for aborting. An unexpected pregnancy is not the end of a woman’s life, rather it’s the start of a new one. If you have experienced an unexpected pregnancy, whether it’s your own, or someone close to you who is willing for their story to be made public – (names or personal details can be kept private) please get in touch. If it’s easier for you to share the story verbally we can arrange for it to be written down. Contact Isabel at info@marchforlife.co.uk
What to do with Unwanted Babies
In ancient times and in more recent centuries, newborn babies unwanted for any number of reasons including poverty, disease, infidelity etc. were left on hillsides exposed to the elements and wild animals and left to their fate. Some babies may have been collected by slavers, others might be picked up out of love by passing […]
Hidden Grief: A Man’s perspective on the impact of abortion.
Hello, my name is Theo. I’m a Christian, a recovering addict, and a 40 Days for Life volunteer down on the south coast. I’m here today to tell you a bit about myself and my children, and also a bit about 40 Days. It’s been almost ten years since my last visit to Kings Norton […]
My siblings needed help to live not help to die!
I lost my brother, Vincent, and sister, Lucy, to dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa a cruel disease which they were both born with. My siblings lived to young adulthood but the condition they had affected every part of their life and became more severe with every passing year of their short lives. In their last years which […]
Fertility Rates & Abortion
A Nation in DENIAL on Decreasing Fertility – Chris Johnson Last week saw the release of birth data for England and Wales in 2023 by the Office of National Statistics, and we learned that the total fertility rate in England and Wales dropped to 1.44 children per woman, its lowest value since records began in 1938. There […]
Abortion Act Anniversary Witness Round Up
On 27th October, March for Life UK marked the 57th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act.
Record Numbers Unite To Say Abortion Isn’t Healthcare!
This year March for Life UK was back bigger and better than ever for its tenth anniversary, drawing crowds of 8-10,000 with the message: abortion isn’t healthcare. The doors of the Emmanuel Centre opened at 10am and by the time I arrived half an hour later it was already packed with pro-lifers and buzzing with anticipation. A […]
PRESS RELEASE: Record numbers unite to say Abortion isn’t Healthcare!
On Saturday 7th September a crowd of people 8-10,000 strong united against abortion in London. Medical professionals from around the world gathered at the Emmanuel Centre, Westminster as part of the Prolife Health Summit organised by March for Life UK. Attendees heard from ex-abortion workers including former abortionist Dr Haywood Robinson, ex MSI abortion provider […]
Is it all about numbers?
Before we had a buffer zone in place in Birmingham, I remember one morning standing outside the abortion centre saying my prayers, holding some leaflets of help to offer to anyone entering. On this particular day I was by myself and hadn’t been there very long when a member of staff came out to tell […]
The Postelection Future
Many of us will have struggled with our vote yesterday with none of the leading parties offering any genuine protection for the preborn child. The bar ended up being set very low for most pro-lifers with people resorting to vote for the ‘least bad’ rather than anyone who really appreciates the sanctity of life from […]
Most of us will have the General Elections on our minds at the moment and hopefully, some will be using it as a reason to tell political leaders their views on abortion. But regardless of the outcome of this particular election we have some tough battles to face on the pro-life front. For this reason, […]
Record Abortion Rate in 2022
Abortion statistics have been released by the Department of Health and Social Care and they show the highest number of abortions ever recorded in England and Wales, with 252,122 taking place in 2022, an increase of 37,253 (17.34%) from 2021. Some of the key points that are in the statistics are: Over the past few […]
We would like to share with you some good news!Due to the announcement of a snap election by the prime minister, Parliament is now being dissolved. So what does this mean?As you know we have been campaigning and rallying about the extreme amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill which would allow abortion up to birth […]
Hundreds gather to say NO to Abortion up to Birth
Hundreds gathered in Parliament Square on May 15th as the Criminal Justice Bill went to the report stage in Parliament. Pro-life organisations from across the country united under one banner of ‘No, to abortion up to birth!’ and were joined throughout the rally by various MPs including Carla Lockhart, Ian Paisley and Daniel Kawczynski Four amendments […]
Say NO to Abortion up to Birth
Join the Pro-Life movement in Parliament Square: 15th May: 11.00
Prayer Vigil for Life: 27.04.24
On Saturday 27th April 2024 as people filed out of Westminster Cathedral following evening Mass, a crowd gathered on the piazza in spite of the pouring rain for March for Life’s annual Prayer Vigil for Life. The occasion was the anniversary of the implementation of the Abortion Act, marking 56 years to the day since the […]
Russian Orthodox Statement on the Anniversary of the Abortion Act.
Read out at March for Life UK’s Prayer Vigil for Life – 27th April 2024
Fifteen and Pro-Life
Being Gen Z and pro-life don’t often go hand in hand. In fact, many teenagers raise their eyebrows or avoid the topic if it ever comes up. With heavily biased news headlines and a society easily swayed by the opinions of influencers on TikTok, teenagers are automatically shunned and dismissed if they are pro-life, which […]
40 Days for Life VICTORY in Manchester
We bring you some good news today – the Nupas abortion centre in Stockport where they are holding a 40 Days for Life Campaign has CLOSED! Volunteers praying there this week received the news from an excited neighbour who himself seemed delighted at the thought of losing the abortuary from his street. Volunteers then went […]
Have YOUR SAY on Buffer Zones
As you probably know, the government has voted in ‘Safe Access Zones’ (commonly known as ‘Buffer Zones’) around abortion facilities in England and Wales but this has not yet been put into effect. The Home Office has now issued some draft guidance on how this should be enforced and the public are being offered the […]
10,256,050 Lives Commemorated in Parliament Square
It was raining heavily when I arrived in London on the morning of 27th October, but by the time I got to Parliament Square at around 11:30AM the sun had come out and the rain would not resume until after the event. By that time pro-lifers were already gathering ahead of the Solemn Witness, which was […]
PRESS RELEASE: Abortion Act Anniversary Witness
On 27th October 2023, the 56th anniversary of the Abortion Act receiving royal assent, March for Life UK held a solemn witness between 12:00-14:00 in Parliament Square. Volunteers held signs and banners bearing witness to the death toll and calling for an end to abortion in Britain. With 10,256,050 children’s lives lost since the Abortion Act came into law, […]
This is an important personal message from our co-director at March for Life UK, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce:
I am sure most of you have heard that the investigations surrounding my second arrest (for silently praying inside a PSPO/buffer zone near an abortion centre) have now been dropped by the police along with an apology for how long this has dragged on for. This is very positive news, especially that the Home Secretary, Suella […]
My First Time at March for Life UK
I rolled out of bed at 05:30 on the morning of 2 September 2023 to say my prayers and get down to church in time to count a group on to a coach leaving for London. Many of them had attended March for Life in previous years, but for me it was to be a […]
PRESS RELEASE: March for Life UK 2023
Despite a national rail strike the numbers weren’t down at this year’s March for Life. Police estimated that 7,000 pro-life attendees of all ages, including a large contingent of youth, filled Parliament Square on Saturday to show their support for the 2023 theme of the event ‘Freedom to Live’. A growing number of abortion supporters, […]
Adam Pleads Not Guilty – What’s next?
Today Poole Magistrate Court required Adam to state his plea to the charge of breaching a public spaces protection order. He pled ‘not guilty’ and the case has now been fixed for legal argumentation followed by a trial on 2 and 16 November respectively. The legal argumentation is expected to include an abuse of process […]
The Wrong People
When I was young I was taken aside and warned against associating with the ‘wrong people’ because “you can tell a man by the company that he keeps.” Being young, and rebellious I believed this to be untrue, but now life has taught me that the way to tell a man is by examining the […]
March for Life UK – ENGAGE
This year at March for Life we’re launching a new initiative and we want as many people as possible to be part of it. It’s called ‘Engage’ and the idea is that instead of just educating we want to demonstrate, instead of just learning in our heads, we will be practicing – so that during […]
Mother Jailed for Illegal Abortion. Pro-lifers agree law needs to change!
Many of you will no doubt have heard about the tragic case of Carla Foster and her daughter who she aborted during May 2020 by taking abortion pills at 32-34 weeks. This has prompted abortion providers (not that they needed any prompting) and those who support them to push for a change in the law. […]
Recovered Letter from 1989 shows Abortion Supporters tactics have always been the same.
This letter dating from 1989 from an abortion centre nursing director to a prospective client was recently brought to my attention. I think it’s worth taking a moment to examine the contents. It’s a real gem of a letter in that it shows how little things have changed with regards to abortion providers’ tactics. It’s […]
Raphael’s Story
ng was wrong as they took so long and then needed a second opinion. Time stood still whilst they said ‘unfortunately it has trisomy 13
Organising March for Life in London is a big task because it’s not just a case of preparing the day but sharing the word to others. This is a task we cannot do alone. What is your sphere of influence? Are you part of a church group where you could mention this event? Do you […]
Despite the 27th April being a weekday evening, and a very wet and inhospitable one at that, hundreds gathered at Westminster Cathedral Piazza to remember those who had their lives ended or wounded by the implementation of the Abortion Act in the UK 55 years ago. Mercifully the weather eased off as the prayer vigil began […]
A Father of Three BREAKS THE SILENCE: Theo’s Story
In 2015 my then girlfriend, Jenny, had a miscarriage. We had been having unprotected sex for some time, but we didn’t know about the pregnancy until it was already over. I think it’s fair to say that we both had our issues going into the relationship — we self-medicated with alcohol and an assortment of […]
National Buffer Zones – National Disgrace
By now you will most likely have heard the sad news regarding national buffer zones. It is appalling that this proposal was ever put forward when there has never been any evidence demonstrating that intimidation or harassment has taken place outside any abortion centre in the country and bearing in mind that an in-depth assessment […]
BREAKING: Isabel & Fr Sean Found Not Guilty
Isabel Vaughan-Spruce Co-Director March for Life UK and Fr Sean Gough have been found not guilty today at Birmingham Magistrates Court. Here is what Isabel said on the court steps. I’m glad I’ve been completely vindicated of any wrongdoing but I should never have been arrested and treated like a criminal simply for silently praying […]
What they don’t tell you about ‘Pills by Post Abortion’: Anna’s Story
My name is Anna and this is my story: I found out I was pregnant in September 2020. I registered the pregnancy with my GP and had a phone appointment with my midwife. I wanted to keep the baby at first. The baby’s father was living abroad at that time and distanced himself, only replying to my […]
I was in my last year of high school, just doing mock exams before the Christmas break. I was 15. It was cold but dry. To most of the world a fairly uneventful Saturday. To me, a day I promised I’d erase from my mind once it was over. I took two buses to a Marie […]
March for Life UK 2022 Round UP
This is a good time to take stock of 2022. There have been some sad moments for the pro-life movement: having pills by post become permanent, more local councils imposing buffer zones around abortion centres and the threat of national buffer zones looming but there have been moments of joy as well, most notably the […]
The Difference a Man Can Make
I’m going to start with something biblical but if you’re not a Christian, bear with me, this is still relevant and this isn’t a religious blog. Those who are Christians (and many who aren’t) will be familiar with the great commandment ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength’. The […]
What’s at stake in the Buffer Zone Debate
Birmingham City Council has recently brought in a PSPO (Public Space Protection Order) around the Robert Abortion Centre in Kings Norton, Birmingham. This form of a buffer zone not only bans harassment, intimidation or offensive posters but also, concerningly; silent prayer, the use of the words ‘mum’ or ‘baby’, the handing out of leaflets of […]
The Abortion Act was passed in the UK on Oct 27th 1967. Every year since then without exception, the abortion figures have increased. 2021 was no different with the highest ever number of abortions in this country. The culmination of this is that 10 million children have been legally aborted in Great Britain. Yesterday, March for […]
Soon people like me won’t exist anymore
It is suspicious anomalies in a specific lobe of our brain that give us away and so that organ must be almost totally formed, meaning we are well into the third trimester before the anomaly is detected. When surgery is done on babies after 15 weeks the foetus needs an anaesthetic. That is only done on babies […]
Join us on the 27th October
In just under 3 week’s time, on Thursday 27th October, we commemorate the anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act. Since then 10 million preborn children have been legally aborted in the UK. 10 million too many! As some of you will remember, March for Life UK has previously hosted a solemn public witness to […]
March for Life UK 2022: Press Release
Record numbers took part in this year’s March for Life UK which was held in central London on Saturday 3rd Sept. It seems that the overturning of Roe v Wade in America has had quite a ripple effect across the ocean as more young people than ever paraded through the streets on a lively procession which […]
I was 16 coming on 17 in 1987 when I found myself pregnant. I was too scared to tell my mom as Dad had died around 6 months before and I felt she had enough on her plate. I shared instead with my boyfriend and he left the decision to me. I also confided with a […]
To my Black brothers and sisters – Why abortion is OUR issue
Black people make up 3% of the population but account for 7-10% of the abortions in the UK per year. Black people are disproportionately getting more abortions than other ethnicities. You may think ‘So what?’ ‘Why does that matter?’ Well, many people don’t know the abortion industry was founded on the ideals of racism and […]
Today we heard the news that we’ve been waiting for – Roe v Wade has been overturned! For those of us who recognise that the legalisation of abortion was a grave disservice to women, as well of course as being the death knell for vast numbers of preborn children, this is something to be greatly […]
One week to go until LifeStream 22
Are you looking for some interesting, new, digital pro-life content from the UK? Do you want to be educated, motivated, entertained and encouraged on pro-life issues, all from the comfort of your own room? Then make sure your calendar is free on the evenings of 17th, 18th and 19th June so you can tune in to LifeStream22! […]
URGENT ACTION: to protect prayer vigils outside abortion centres.
Those of you who receive emails from our friends at SPUC may well have already heard about the recent threat to pro-life vigils. If not then please take a few minutes to read this as it requires a response from each of us. This is a situation where spending a small amount of time on […]
Home Abortions – A DOCTOR SPEAKS OUT
I am deeply disturbed that pills-by-post/home abortions, this has prompted me to speak out and raise some of the concerns I have as a medical professional.
My name is Elizabeth, I am 66 years of age and was born with a cleft lip and palate. Although they didn’t say so, I would imagine my parents were shocked when I was first born, but they quickly accepted the situation, and like my siblings, I was always loved for who I was and […]
One Mum’s Challenge to ‘Rethink Adoption’
I had two children and they kept me and my husband very busy. Our eldest, Liam, had Aspergers and my daughter, Niamh, was disabled. Niamh had a very rare genetic disorder and was one of the first five people to ever be diagnosed with this specific gene mutation POU3F3. This disorder meant she couldn’t speak, […]
Being ‘Pro-Life’ is not just a name.
I like to think of the term ‘Pro-Life’ as a verb. It’s something that we do, something that we invest our time into, something that we choose. When I had just started secondary school, I saw the term ‘Pro-Life’ as a noun. A concept that stands, frozen in time, whilst the hum of society passes it by. Part of that society was me.
March for Life UK: Christmas Round Up
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting us and our mission throughout 2021. We absolutely couldn’t have done it without you. Your presence at our events (whether in-person or virtual), your support and encouragement, financial contributions and prayers, made 2021 an amazing success despite there being so many hardships. Here’s a reminder […]
Anita’s Decision – My Baby or My Happiness?
I could be stuck in the box room of my stepdad’s house struggling with depression or I could be holding my newborn baby girl listening to her gentle gurgling noises. The decision which was going to have a huge effect on the rest of my life was being made in a split moment. My name […]
Abortion, Gangs and my Search for Authentic Masculinity
My name is Matthew. I was in my teens when I supported my girlfriend in aborting our child. I realise now that this event didn’t occur in isolation but was a consequence of my long struggle to discern how to live out true masculinity. I don’t want to blame anyone else for my part in […]
In Memory Of My Little Sister Susanna . . .
I was seven years old when my mother aborted my little sister, Susanna. I already had two younger brothers but they’d come along when I was still too young to really appreciate them, at seven I was just the right age to get happily self-important about helping with a new baby. I must have overheard […]
The Sinister TRUTH of Abortion
Every abortion is wrong, whether it happens at 6 days, 6 weeks or 6 months. Every abortion ends the life of a child and can have a huge impact psychologically on the parents, especially the mother. Home abortions however (also known as pills-by-post abortions or DIY abortions) are particularly alarming because women and, debatably, some […]
Abortion Act Remembrance Display Attracts Wide Attention In Parliament Square
A big thank you to those of you who joined us on Wednesday for our public witness display in Parliament Square to remember the babies who have been aborted since the Abortion Act was passed exactly 54 years ago on Oct 27th 1967. Volunteers dressed in dark clothes stood around the edge of Parliament Square holding […]
PRESS RELEASE: Leaders mark the anniversary of 1967 Abortion Act in Parliament Square
Wednesday 27th October 2021 marked the 54th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act in the UK. Members of various pro-life organisations gathered together in Parliament Square as part of a static, remembrance display organised by March for Life UK.In attendance were life peer Lord Alton, Fiona Bruce MP chair of the Conservative Party Human […]
March for Life UK – A Resurgence of Life
It seems a long while since we’ve seen a large crowd of pro-lifers on the streets of London but on Saturday 4thSeptember, pro-lifers from around the UK were certainly making up for lost time. Many of those present mentioned that it felt like something of a rebirth for public witness in the pro-life movement, or […]
My name is Marianne and I grew up in the sixties, a time when it was still more the parent’s than the school’s responsibility to educate their child about sexual relationships. As a rather rebellious child, I remember my mother saying to me again and again through my teenage years; “sex is not a game […]
Are you ready for #LifeStream21
Are you ready for our online event, LifeStream21 which is happening in two weeks’ time? Here’s a little bit about what to expect so you can choose the parts that you want to tune into or if you just can’t choose then get yourself ready to watch it all! Fri 4th June 7-10pm is the student/young […]
We’ve all heard the abortion supporter’s favourite mantra ‘My body, my choice’. Even those like Ann Furedi, former CEO of BPAS, who admit that abortion ‘Is intentional and does end a human life’ still worship at the altar of choice. I heard an abortion supporter say something about choice recently which I think is worth taking time to […]
We are pleased to announce our theme to cover all March for Life UK events this year. Have a read and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.. Words like ‘number one issue’ can have negative connotations when we are speaking about abortion. It reminds us of the phrase ‘single issue voter’ which […]
Work a Day for Life
On 27th April we remember the implementation of the Abortion Act in the UK which happened in 1968. The Act was passed the year before on 27th Oct 1967 but it wasn’t until the following April that it actually came into effect. Since then over 9 million children have been legally aborted in the UK. We don’t […]
I write this reluctantly. I know so many incredible, loving, compassionate, selfless pro-lifers who work very hard and receive little thanks. Men and women who give up much of their time because they care passionately about life, all life, unborn children, their mothers and fathers too as well as those who work in the abortion […]
Home Abortions – The Domestic Abuse Cover up
Over the past few weeks we at March for Life UK have been talking to some medical professionals about their concerns surrounding the safety of DIY abortions also known as pills-by-post. We thought it would now be good to listen to what the supporters of DIY abortions say. Yes, we believe it’s important to listen […]
My DIY Abortion – Natalia’s Story
One of the most horrifying changes to take place in recent years regarding UK law surrounding abortion is the introduction of DIY/home abortions. At present they are only permitted under a temporary 2 year measure brought in during March 2020 because of the covid lockdown. The bigger concern is now that this could become permanent. […]
Back to the Back Street – The Reality of DIY Abortions
‘I woke up and I didn’t feel anything so I didn’t think it had worked. I just remember lifting up my blanket and it was like a scene out of a horror movie.’ You could be forgiven for thinking I’m describing a backstreet abortion happening in the 1940’s but sadly that’s not the case. This […]
Why DIY Abortions aren’t ‘Pro-Choice’
Following on from our conversations with Dr Eileen Reilly (obstetrician/gynaecologist) and midwife Julia Gibbons, March for Life UK spoke to Dr Dermot Kearney to hear what he had to say about DIY/home abortions. Dr Dermot is a consultant cardiologist in Newcastle, he’s also president of the Catholic Medical Association. At the beginning of our discussion […]
A Midwife Speaks up on DIY/Home Abortions
To encourage our supporters to respond to the government consultation on DIY/home abortions we continue with another interview with a medical professional to see what their concerns are surrounding the possibility of these ‘pills-by-post’ abortions becoming permanent. Any abortion is a traumatic experience but the thought of a woman or teenager consenting to this after having only […]
SIX Ways to FIGHT ABORTION During Lockdown
How can I be pro-life in lockdown? What a great question! It shows that the person asking the question realises that to truly be pro-life we have to more than just think it. We are all feeling limited right now but rather than list what we can’t do, let’s be more creative and think what […]
PRESS RELEASE: Pro-life organisations commemorate the passing of the Abortion Act with display in Parliament Square.
PRESS RELEASE: Pro-life organisations commemorate the passing of the Abortion Act with display in Parliament Square. Members from leading pro-life organisations across the country took part in an impactful, live display in Parliament square today to commemorate the passing of the Abortion Act which happened 53 years ago on Oct 27th 1967. The event […]
9,560,403 Too Many! A NATION IN CRISIS
This year, we’ve received a constant, daily barrage of figures on the news, how many people have caught coronavirus, how many are in hospital, or have died. Years ago there would have been a large amount of frightening, infectious diseases around and without antibiotics and vaccines many would have been fatal. People died far younger and infant […]
Dear Maya Oppenheim, How many stories must we read about ‘anti-abortion protesters’ intimidating and harassing vulnerable women outside abortion centres? In just over a week The Independent has printed two of your articles, both strikingly similar, in fact so similar you have the same photo heading each story . . . of a group […]
‘He made it absolutely clear that a baby did not fit into his current plans and that I had to get rid of it.’ Danielle’s Story
I was in my early thirties, working in the UK on a two year visa and completing my exams on a marketing course. I had a good job and things were going well. Then I got pregnant. My name is Danielle and I lived with my partner who had a student visa. He was working […]
‘You just make an appointment, go to the clinic, and quietly and calmly, with no fuss, get rid of your child.’ Simon’s Story
My name is Simon and I was 27 years old when I broke up with the girl I’d been engaged to. We’d been together for seven years and I thought we’d have a family together. As far back as I can remember in my childhood I’d wanted a little brother and then as I got […]
My name is Elizabeth and this story still makes me feel emotional as I tell it.
My name is Elizabeth and this story still makes me feel emotional as I tell it… For years, I’d lived very close to the Marie Stopes abortion clinic and often seen people standing outside the entrance, sometimes praying, sometimes offering leaflets. To my neighbours and I, they seemed polite and friendly, never bothering anyone. I’d […]
I realised that the missing something, was somebody.
I was too young, I had no money, I didn’t have a house, I didn’t have a job, I wasn’t in a relationship with the man who had got me pregnant, I couldn’t tell my parents, I was still in school … I was 15. This was my reasoning when I discovered that I was […]
Women are pressured to ABORT – I know because it happened to me
My name is Fatima. This is my story: I grew up in a strict Muslim family. Although I lived in the UK and went to a mainstream school I didn’t really have a childhood as such. I wasn’t allowed to go out and meet friends like other girls my age were, instead, I was expected […]
LOCKDOWN DIDN’T STOP US! – 15,000 tune in LIVE to’ LifeStream 20′
What a fantastic day! Did you join us on Saturday 13th June for March for Life UK’s online event ‘LifeStream20’? If you did then you were certainly not alone. Over 15,000 joined in the virtual event, both the kid’s and youth stream as well as the main LifeStream20. The theme for the day was ‘Equal […]
THE MAN WHO ESTABLISHED ABORTION IN THE UK – (And what you didn’t know about the history of BPAS)
You may have heard of the UK’s oldest abortion centre which, after 50 years of business, recently closed down in Birmingham. You may have heard how pro-life activists had been praying outside its gates for decades but have you heard the story behind its founding or indeed the story behind the largest abortion provider in […]
Pro-lifers in Birmingham rejoiced today as over 30 years of persistent prayer were answered. The Calthorpe Clinic abortion centre in Edgbaston closed its doors for the last time as their business came to a halt after performing terminations for 50 years. Originally run as an old people’s home, in 1969 the centre became the first […]
Just go out and DO IT!
Oliver, a police officer from Bristol, has been involved in CBR UK’s prolife work for several months now. He wants to encourage people to get involved with the prolife movement by spreading the value of humanity in the womb. What is the prolife activism that you take part in? I’m involved in the […]
‘If you’re truly Pro-Life, now is the time to step up!’
Declan, a dedicated member of the Project Truth team from Glasgow speaks about the reality of being actively prolife, why he’s prolife and how Project Truth is impacting our youth in a positive way. Have you always been prolife? Yes, although I was passively prolife in school – I had the beliefs, but I […]
The baby who survived two trips to one of the UK’s busiest abortion centres
Some people would say that Betsy-Marie came into this world on 13th July 2019 but her parents, Danny and Carla, know this isn’t so. Beatrice-Marie Teresa Faith came into this world at the moment of her conception. This little girl doesn’t realise how eventful and blessed her life has already been, for she has survived […]
‘Even without faith I would still be prolife’
Hannah, a graduate from Glasgow, is involved in ‘Project Truth’ that takes place each year. She tells us what it’s all about and why she is so passionate about being prolife. Have you always been prolife? I have always been prolife; growing up my mum and dad were involved in the local prolife group, so […]
I want other women to know there’s a better option than abortion!
Linda lives in the West Midlands. She has participated in 40 days for life, March forLife UK and other pro-life activism on the streets of Birmingham to encourage and engage with women and men who have either been through the abortion process, are thinking about going through with an abortion or want to learn about […]
If you’re that bothered about ABORTION, do something about it!
Pro-Life Activism Under the Spotlight: Brand New Blog Series In this series of blogs starting today we put the spotlight on people from all walks of life who don’t just believe abortion is wrong, don’t just have pro-life convictions but are putting their beliefs into action. We find out why they do what they do, […]
Every Man’s Call to Fatherhood
It’s father’s day and a great time to be with your dad, but also an opportunity to celebrate fatherhood. Male and female, God created them. The complementarity of a mother and father is the basic building block of the family and society. Contrary to post-modern thought, fathers cannot be replaced, yes there are heroic single […]
March for Life UK Speaker Awarded An MBE For His Work With Youth
Christie Spurling who shared his testimony at March for Life UK in 2018 has just been awarded an MBE for his work with young adults. Last year Christie spoke about the challenges he faced as a black child adopted into a white family, growing up in a predominantly white area. He also shared how he […]
What an Amazing Pro-Life Witness: 2019 Summary
Saturday 11th May 2019 was the most amazing day for pro-lifers and if you were part of it then THANK YOU! March for Life UK/LifeFest 2019 was our best event yet with 5000 pro-lifers filling the streets of London to proclaim that every life is irreplaceable right from the moment of conception. We were blessed […]
Press Release: Huge crowds gather at the March For Life to counter extreme abortion legislation in the UK
Huge crowds gather at the March For Life to counter extreme abortion legislation in the UK 11-5-19 – Thousands of people from across the UK attended the March For Life UK in London this afternoon. The March finished in Parliament Square where the crowd was addressed by a line-up of keynote speakers including; abortion survivor […]
A Response to The Guardian’s propaganda about “peaceful vigils” outside abortion clinics
My response to The Guardian’s piece of abortion propaganda which you can read here if you like that kind of thing: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/apr/08/anti-abortion-activists-harassing-women-at-uk-clinics-during-lent Dear Simon Murphy, I’m sure you’ll be interested to know we’ve had 7 women/couples that we know of change their minds about abortion in Birmingham this 40 Days for Life – do you think […]
5 things you can do to help March for Life UK
Like many of you, we are very busy at the moment, but if we pull together a bit then so much more could be done. Here are 5 simple things that you could do which would really help our mission at March for Life UK. 1) Could you pray for our work? It seems there […]
The 3 week Old Baby – And The Man Who Saved Her Life
This photo is of a 3 week old baby girl, saved at the very gates of an abortion centre where she was once scheduled to have her little life snuffed out. Fortunately the man in the photo met her parents as part of a ’40 Days for Life’ campaign and helped to get them the […]
We have Marched for Life, what next?
March for Life has got bigger and better with each passing year. This year, after outgrowing our hometown of Birmingham (contrary to what the pro-aborts like to say, it simply hasn’t got a public square big enough to accommodate us), we made the bold move to London. It was with a certain amount of trepidation […]
March for Life UK 2018 – Record turn out in the beautiful London sunshine.
London delivered glorious sunshine and the biggest ever turn-out for this year’s March for Life UK – an estimated 4000 people joyfully witnessing to their belief that every life deserves love; from womb to tomb and from conception without exception. Christian faith is at the heart of today’s pro-life movement, just as it was in […]
Every Life Deserves Love
So, how many women have, afterwards, got in touch with a pro-abortion provider and thanked them for the abortion, perhaps expressing their joy and gratitude that their physical or mental health had been saved from greater risk of injury (the legal reason given for over 97% of abortions in this England and Wales)? And how […]
Don’t Don’t Believe The Hype!
Jesus said, ‘I came into the world for this, to bear witness to the truth, and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice.’
‘Truth?’ said Pilate. ‘What is truth?’
Having had two abortions, why I hate the idea of buffer zones!
Never in a million years did I think I would be stood outside an abortion clinic for the third time. The previous two visits led to two abortions, one in my teens and one when I was in my twenties. Both times I was given ‘counselling’ that lasted less than 3 minutes. I did not […]
BBC programme makers silence pro-lifers voice.
The BBC’s documentary ‘Abortion on Trial’, aired on BBC 2 on Monday evening was at best irritating and at worst a shameless propaganda tool used to further the cause for decriminalisation. The presenter of the show, Anne Robinson made no effort to hide her own strong belief in legalised abortion right at the beginning of […]
An attack on an unborn human is an attack on us all!
If a mother is considering abortion should she really trust herself to an organisation run by a woman who thinks it is no different to birth control? This is what Ann Furedi, CEO of BPAS (the British Pregnancy Advisory Service), which carries out 60,000 abortions each year in the UK, has shown herself to believe […]
I can’t believe that I still have to pray outside abortion clinics.
With 40 Days for Life just around the corner, it was interesting to come across a post by an ex-priest called ‘I Can’t Believe I Once Prayed Outside An Abortion Clinic’. Whilst the author claims to be morally undecided on the position of abortion, the claims made about life beginning at conception being based on […]
Abortion is it your responsibility?
The recent spate of women’s/pro-abortion marches have highlighted how abortion supporters have become bolder in pushing for their ‘rights’. Rights over ‘their bodies’, rights to choose when, where and how they have an abortion, rights to prevent people from discussing or debating the issue in their presence etc Rights are being pushed even where none […]
Pro or contra abortion – reflections ahead of March for Life
People say there are two sides to every coin. Every argument has pros and cons, and to come to the right conclusion, all viewpoints need to be taken into consideration. Sometimes, an agreement cannot be achieved, and in a tolerant society, we mustn’t force our views on anyone else. Right? As regular users of social […]
Censoring the TRUTH
Yesterday the Centre for Medical Progress released a preview of another one of those Planned Parenthood videos. The content was full on shocking, but should not surprise us and even more shocking is the fact that YouTube have censored and removed this video. I therefore encourage you to read this article and share it on all your […]
March for Life Uk – Liefest 17
I think March for Life UK 2017 will be one of those days that I’ll never forget – I felt so proud to be pro-life! If someone had told me beforehand that it was going to pour with rain and that hundreds of protesters were going to try and disrupt the event I would have […]