We have a new podcast for you in our series with Rachel Mackenzie from Rachel’s Vineyard. In this episode we discuss the impact of testimonies in the battle against abortion and why it’s important to listen to them as well as when we should or shouldn’t share our own. Please watch/listen to this and then share it with others. Thank you to everyone who has subscribed to our Youtube channel, if you haven’t done this already then please do so.
If you have a testimony relating to abortion that you would be willing to share either on camera or as a blog, please get in touch.
The Power of Personal Testimony2024-12-092024-12-09https://www.marchforlife.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/m4luk-logo-wht.svgMarch for Life UKhttps://www.marchforlife.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/m4luk-logo-wht.svg200px200px