I lost my brother, Vincent, and sister, Lucy, to dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa a cruel disease which they were both born with. My siblings lived to young adulthood but the condition they had [...]
Abortion isn’t Mental Healthcare On the morning of the Annual March for Life UK we held our first ever Pro-Life Health Summit at The Emmanuel Centre. Dr Calum gave one of the talks which [...]
Ira Winter from Fiat Fertility Care gives a very informative talk as part of the Prolife Health Summit at this years March for Life. Please like and subscribe to our channel. Follow our Social [...]
March for Life UK – PODCAST In this episode Isabel and Rachel discuss the March for Life UK 2024 theme. ABORTION ISN’T HEALTHCARE If you’ve been affected by abortion there is [...]
Abortion Survivor Claire Culwell and her mother Barbara came into the March for Life UK studio just before ‘The Annual March’ in September. Claire shares her incredible testimony and [...]
On Sunday 27th October we marked the anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act in Parliament Square. Prolife and Religious leaders gathered to share their views about the impact this [...]
On Sunday 27th October we mark in Parliament Square the anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act. Isabel speaks to Peter Williams Director of the Family Education Trust about the [...]
On Sunday 27th October we mark in Parliament Square the anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act. Isabel speaks to Nick Tenconi leader of UKIP and from Turning Point UK about how the [...]
On Sunday 27th October we mark in Parliament Square the anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act. Isabel speaks to Lois McLatchie-Miller from ADF UK about Silent Prayer being [...]