On Saturday 27th April 2024 as people filed out of Westminster Cathedral following evening Mass, a crowd gathered on the piazza in spite of the pouring rain for March for Life’s annual [...]
Being Gen Z and pro-life don’t often go hand in hand. In fact, many teenagers raise their eyebrows or avoid the topic if it ever comes up. With heavily biased news headlines and a [...]
We bring you some good news today – the Nupas abortion centre in Stockport where they are holding a 40 Days for Life Campaign has CLOSED! Volunteers praying there this week received the [...]
WATCH: Losing My Little Angel – A Father’s Story Please watch and share this very moving testimony, there are so many men that need to hear this message. To watch more testimonies [...]
As you probably know, the government has voted in ‘Safe Access Zones’ (commonly known as ‘Buffer Zones’) around abortion facilities in England and Wales but this has not yet been put into effect. [...]