5 things you can do to help March for Life UK

Like many of you, we are very busy at the moment, but if we pull together a bit then so much more could be done. Here are 5 simple things that you could do which would really help our mission at [...]

The 3 week Old Baby – And The Man Who Saved Her Life

This photo is of a 3 week old baby girl, saved at the very gates of an abortion centre where she was once scheduled to have her little life snuffed out. Fortunately the man in the photo met her [...]

We have Marched for Life, what next?

March for Life has got bigger and better with each passing year.  This year, after outgrowing our hometown of Birmingham (contrary to what the pro-aborts like to say, it simply hasn’t got a [...]

March for Life UK 2018 – Record turn out in the beautiful London sunshine.

London delivered glorious sunshine and the biggest ever turn-out for this year’s March for Life UK – an estimated 4000 people joyfully witnessing to their belief that every life deserves love; [...]

Every Life Deserves Love

So, how many women have, afterwards, got in touch with a pro-abortion provider and thanked them for the abortion, perhaps expressing their joy and gratitude that their physical or mental health [...]