The BBC’s documentary ‘Abortion on Trial’, aired on BBC 2 on Monday evening was at best irritating and at worst a shameless propaganda tool used to further the cause for decriminalisation. The [...]
If a mother is considering abortion should she really trust herself to an organisation run by a woman who thinks it is no different to birth control? This is what Ann Furedi, CEO of BPAS (the [...]
With 40 Days for Life just around the corner, it was interesting to come across a post by an ex-priest called ‘I Can’t Believe I Once Prayed Outside An Abortion Clinic’. Whilst the author claims [...]
The recent spate of women’s/pro-abortion marches have highlighted how abortion supporters have become bolder in pushing for their ‘rights’. Rights over ‘their bodies’, rights to choose when, [...]
People say there are two sides to every coin. Every argument has pros and cons, and to come to the right conclusion, all viewpoints need to be taken into consideration. Sometimes, an agreement [...]
Yesterday the Centre for Medical Progress released a preview of another one of those Planned Parenthood videos. The content was full on shocking, but should not surprise us and even more [...]
I think March for Life UK 2017 will be one of those days that I’ll never forget – I felt so proud to be pro-life! If someone had told me beforehand that it was going to pour with rain and [...]