I rolled out of bed at 05:30 on the morning of 2 September 2023 to say my prayers and get down to church in time to count a group on to a coach leaving for London. Many of them had attended March [...]
Despite a national rail strike the numbers weren’t down at this year’s March for Life. Police estimated that 7,000 pro-life attendees of all ages, including a large contingent of youth, filled [...]
Today Poole Magistrate Court required Adam to state his plea to the charge of breaching a public spaces protection order. He pled ‘not guilty’ and the case has now been fixed for legal [...]
When I was young I was taken aside and warned against associating with the ‘wrong people’ because “you can tell a man by the company that he keeps.” Being young, and rebellious I believed this to [...]
This year at March for Life we’re launching a new initiative and we want as many people as possible to be part of it. It’s called ‘Engage’ and the idea is that instead of just educating we want [...]
Many of you will no doubt have heard about the tragic case of Carla Foster and her daughter who she aborted during May 2020 by taking abortion pills at 32-34 weeks. This has prompted abortion [...]
This letter dating from 1989 from an abortion centre nursing director to a prospective client was recently brought to my attention. I think it’s worth taking a moment to examine the contents. [...]
Organising March for Life in London is a big task because it’s not just a case of preparing the day but sharing the word to others. This is a task we cannot do alone. What is your sphere of [...]
Despite the 27th April being a weekday evening, and a very wet and inhospitable one at that, hundreds gathered at Westminster Cathedral Piazza to remember those who had their lives ended or [...]