What is March for Life UK?
March for Life UK is a Christian pro-life organisation which incorporates three main annual events as well as a continuous mission comprising of three key aims.
What is March for Life UK?
March for Life UK is a Christian pro-life organisation which incorporates three main annual events as well as a continuous mission comprising of three key aims.

Raising Awareness
To raise awareness of the hurt and damage that abortion causes and promote the value of every human life from the first moment of conception.

Fostering community
To foster a sense of community within the pro-life movement so that we can come together as one united voice.

Inspiring people
To enthuse, educate and inspire people to become pro-life not just in name but in their actions and so march for life daily.
How abortion is impacting our country
How abortion is impacting our country
Since the 1967 Abortion Act was implemented, over 10.6 million lives have been tragically ended in the womb in the UK, with an annual rate of around a quarter of a million! Each one of these lives was a unique, irreplaceable human being worthy of life and love.
Every year the abortion figures are increasing dramatically but with the introduction of home abortions in 2020, also known as pills-by-post or DIY abortions, it has become almost impossible to know how many abortions are happening since we only know the number of tablets prescribed, not the number taken. Where these abortions have taken place in England and Wales many women have had no face-to-face consultation, no direct contact with a doctor and no scan – they self-managed their own abortion in the isolation of their own bedroom or bathroom and were left to dispose of their own dead child.
In October 2024 National Buffer Zones were implemented. This appalling proposal was put forward despite there never having been any evidence demonstrating that intimidation or harassment has taken place outside any abortion centre in the country and bearing in mind that an in-depth assessment which took place in 2018 showed the peaceful nature of vigils and the conclusion was that national buffer zones would be disproportionate.
We are seeing wave after wave of new attacks on the preborn child from abortion providers as well as some of the leading medical organisations such as the British Medical Association (BMA), The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and The Royal College of Gynaecologists (RCOG) who are all pushing for so called ‘decriminalisation’ which in reality will mean abortion up till birth for any reason or none.
Women pay a particularly high price for legalised abortion as figures now show that more than one in four pregnancies ends in abortion and over 100,000 women annually who seek abortions have already had one or more previous abortions. In 2020 495 women every month attended hospital for treatment relating to their medical abortion. For those having pills-by-post abortions in 2020, 1 in every 17 of them ended up in hospital with complications from their home abortion.
We believe women deserve better than this. If our answer to a woman’s crisis pregnancy is to help her destroy her own child, then we don’t offer a solution at all but are simply swapping one problem for a far greater one. Women can be impacted by abortion physically, mentally and spiritually – to be pro-women one has to be pro-life.
We believe men are also sold a lie with abortion. Fatherhood begins at conception. By saying abortion is purely a woman’s issue we are encouraging men to feel disconnected from their child and the mother of their child during pregnancy, a time when they should be taking their responsibilities more seriously than ever before.
We believe children are worth more than this. A human being is not like an ill-fitting item of clothing, bought on a whim, that can be returned at will. Whether inside or outside the womb, every person who has ever existed has been fashioned as an unrepeatable work of art – a one off masterpiece by a Divine Creator Who does not make mistakes.
Since the 1967 Abortion Act was implemented, over 10.6 million lives have been tragically ended in the womb in the UK, with an annual rate of around a quarter of a million! Each one of these lives was a unique, irreplaceable human being worthy of life and love.
Every year the abortion figures are increasing dramatically but with the introduction of home abortions in 2020, also known as pills-by-post or DIY abortions, it has become almost impossible to know how many abortions are happening since we only know the number of tablets prescribed, not the number taken. Where these abortions have taken place in England and Wales many women have had no face-to-face consultation, no direct contact with a doctor and no scan – they self-managed their own abortion in the isolation of their own bedroom or bathroom and were left to dispose of their own dead child.
In October 2024 National Buffer Zones were implemented. This appalling proposal was put forward despite there never having been any evidence demonstrating that intimidation or harassment has taken place outside any abortion centre in the country and bearing in mind that an in-depth assessment which took place in 2018 showed the peaceful nature of vigils and the conclusion was that national buffer zones would be disproportionate.
We are seeing wave after wave of new attacks on the preborn child from abortion providers as well as some of the leading medical organisations such as the British Medical Association (BMA), The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and The Royal College of Gynaecologists (RCOG) who are all pushing for so called ‘decriminalisation’ which in reality will mean abortion up till birth for any reason or none.
Women pay a particularly high price for legalised abortion as figures now show that more than one in four pregnancies ends in abortion and over 100,000 women annually who seek abortions have already had one or more previous abortions. In 2020 495 women every month attended hospital for treatment relating to their medical abortion. For those having pills-by-post abortions in 2020, 1 in every 17 of them ended up in hospital with complications from their home abortion.
We believe women deserve better than this. If our answer to a woman’s crisis pregnancy is to help her destroy her own child, then we don’t offer a solution at all but are simply swapping one problem for a far greater one. Women can be impacted by abortion physically, mentally and spiritually – to be pro-women one has to be pro-life.
We believe men are also sold a lie with abortion. Fatherhood begins at conception. By saying abortion is purely a woman’s issue we are encouraging men to feel disconnected from their child and the mother of their child during pregnancy, a time when they should be taking their responsibilities more seriously than ever before.
We believe children are worth more than this. A human being is not like an ill-fitting item of clothing, bought on a whim, that can be returned at will. Whether inside or outside the womb, every person who has ever existed has been fashioned as an unrepeatable work of art – a one off masterpiece by a Divine Creator Who does not make mistakes.